Global Summit in South Korea Unveils AI Governance Blueprint for Military Use

A global summit held in South Korea on Tuesday revealed a new “AI Governance Blueprint” to guide the responsible use of artificial intelligence (AI) in military settings. The document, which builds on previous efforts, offers more practical guidelines than last year’s version, though it remains legally non-binding.

A Push for Action-Oriented Guidelines

The Responsible AI in the Military Domain (REAIM) summit in Seoul, the second of its kind, follows a similar event in Amsterdam in 2022. At that time, around 60 countries supported a “call to action” that laid the groundwork for shared principles but lacked any legal obligations. This year’s “blueprint” seeks to move from understanding to practical implementation.

Netherlands Defence Minister Ruben Brekelmans highlighted the shift in focus. “Last year…was more about creating shared understanding, now we are getting more towards action,” Brekelmans told Reuters. The updated document outlines concrete steps for managing AI-related risks, emphasising the need for human control and accountability in military AI systems.

New Focus on Risk Management and Human Oversight

The blueprint details several key areas, including risk assessments and confidence-building measures to manage AI risks in military operations. One notable inclusion is the need to prevent AI from being used to spread weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), especially by terrorist groups. The guidelines also stress the importance of maintaining human involvement, particularly in nuclear weapons use, to prevent catastrophic consequences.

Broader International Engagement

Representatives from 96 nations, including the United States and China, attended the summit, though it remains unclear how many have officially endorsed the document. South Korean officials noted that this year’s summit aimed to foster a more inclusive, multi-stakeholder approach, rather than one dominated by any single nation.

While the blueprint shares similarities with the US government’s declaration on responsible AI use in the military, the Seoul summit emphasised ongoing international cooperation.

The next summit’s timing and location have yet to be decided.



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