SpaceX and Elon Musk Sued by Engineers Over Alleged Harassment and Retaliation

Lawsuit Filed by Eight Engineers

On Wednesday, eight engineers filed a lawsuit against SpaceX and its CEO, Elon Musk, alleging illegal termination after raising concerns about sexual harassment and discrimination against women at the company. The lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles state court, includes four women and four men among the plaintiffs.

Allegations of a Toxic Workplace Culture

The engineers claim they were fired in 2022 after circulating a letter that criticised Musk’s behaviour, calling him a “distraction and embarrassment” and urging SpaceX executives to denounce his sexually charged comments on social media. The lawsuit cites several of Musk’s tweets, including one where he made a lewd offer to the former CEO of YouTube. According to the lawsuit, Musk’s actions contributed to a “pervasively sexist culture” at SpaceX, where female engineers faced harassment and sexist remarks regularly.

Details of the Workplace Environment

The lawsuit describes how senior engineers at SpaceX used euphemisms for sexual acts and male genitals to describe rocket components, contributing to a hostile work environment. The plaintiffs assert that these actions caused significant distress and disrupted their emotional well-being at work.

SpaceX’s Response and Legal Proceedings

SpaceX has denied any wrongdoing, stating that the 2022 letter was disruptive and that the engineers were properly terminated for violating company policies. The company also denied that Musk was involved in the decision to fire the engineers. Paige Holland-Thielen, one of the plaintiffs, expressed hope that the lawsuit would hold SpaceX leadership accountable and lead to better workplace policies.

Ongoing Legal Battles

The eight engineers are also involved in a case with the U.S. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), claiming their firings violated their rights under U.S. labor law to advocate for better working conditions. SpaceX has countered with a lawsuit, arguing that the NLRB’s in-house enforcement proceedings violate the U.S. Constitution. An appeals court recently paused the NLRB case pending the outcome of SpaceX’s lawsuit.

Claims and Compensation Sought

The lawsuit filed on Wednesday accuses SpaceX and Musk of retaliation and wrongful termination under California law, as well as sexual harassment and sex discrimination. The plaintiffs are seeking unspecified compensatory and punitive damages and an order to prevent SpaceX from continuing its alleged unlawful conduct.



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