The White House has released a new national R&D strategy outlining the Biden Administration’s vision to ensure US dominance in the Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The Office of Science and Technology Policy has released a new national strategy enabling the US to realise LEO research initiatives’ economic, scientific, educational, and diplomatic benefits. The strategy document lists the following agenda:

  • Advancing groundbreaking research and development for the US
  • Strengthen the US government’s partnerships with the private sector
  • Create opportunities for the commercial sector to innovate
  • Strengthen international cooperation and maintain the US’s leadership in LEO
  • Promote STEM education and workforce development in the US

To achieve the first objective, the strategy proposes that the US government promote transformational research and development and enable rapid, repeatable space experiments by advancing automation, in-situ sample preparation, and complex, high-performing in-situ analysis hardware. This approach will allow researchers to conduct experiments more efficiently and effectively, leading to more groundbreaking discoveries and advancements.

The second objective emphasises the importance of collaboration and partnerships between the US government and other organisations. The strategy proposes that the government collaborate with commercial entities, international partners, academia, and other stakeholders to advance research and development initiatives, share resources, and foster innovation.

The third objective focuses on creating opportunities for the commercial sector to innovate and develop sustainable technologies. This objective aims to promote economic growth, create new markets, and spur innovation. The strategy proposes that the government provide incentives and regulatory frameworks to encourage private investment in LEO, develop commercial infrastructure, and foster an ecosystem for sustained private sector engagement.

The fourth objective emphasises the importance of international cooperation in maintaining US leadership in LEO. The strategy proposes that the US government engage in diplomatic efforts to promote international collaboration and partnerships, foster cooperation in space exploration and scientific research, and ensure that US leadership is maintained in a rapidly changing global landscape.

Finally, the fifth objective aims to promote US STEM education and workforce development. The strategy proposes that the government invest in STEM education and workforce development programs to ensure the US has a highly skilled workforce capable of advancing scientific research and innovation in LEO.

In conclusion, the new national strategy released by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy outlines a comprehensive vision for maintaining US leadership in LEO. By advancing groundbreaking science and technology, strengthening partnerships, promoting market opportunities and sustainability, expanding international cooperation, and stimulating STEM education and workforce development, the US can continue to realise the economic, scientific, educational, and diplomatic benefits of LEO research initiatives.



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