Agnikul Cosmos, an IIT-Madras-incubated space tech startup, achieved a remarkable feat for the Indian space sector by successfully launching the world’s first rocket with a single-piece 3D-printed engine on Thursday. This achievement occurred two days after the launch of Agnibaan’s “SubOrbital Technological Demonstrator or SOrTeD” was postponed. The mission featured a single-stage rocket equipped with Agnilet, a semi-cryogenic engine, laying the groundwork for the upcoming launch of Agnibaan. Agnibaan is a highly adaptable two-stage launch vehicle designed to transport a payload of 300kg to an orbit of 700km. This significant accomplishment marked several milestones and underscored the growing prowess of…
Author: Ravi Shankar
China launched a Pakistani communication satellite, codenamed PakSat MM1, on Thursday via a Long March 3B carrier rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Southwest China’s Sichuan Province, as reported by China’s state-run Xinhua news agency. The satellite successfully reached its designated orbit. This marks Islamabad’s second satellite launch within the span of one month. Pakistan expects the satellite’s deployment to significantly boost its internet and communications security and enhance its aerospace technology and industrial capabilities. The Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) has shared information about its latest satellite launch. In a recent statement, SUPARCO announced…