The world has noticed. Global deep-technology (deep-tech) businesses and deep-tech investors are flocking to India and seeking to reap India’s competitive advantages in their favour. Bolstered by India’s political stability, market access, and fast-improving ease of doing business rankings, the benefits of India’s highly skilled workforce, the reversing of brain drain, and innovation prowess facilitated by scientific, technological and higher education reforms – a deep tech hotspot in India is manifesting. Many surveys are beginning to indicate that business-friendly policies, strong talent and high productivity—especially in technology and advanced manufacturing— will continue to drive inbound foreign direct investment flows over…
Author: Anagh Singh

Anagh Singh
Anagh Singh is the Assistant Vice President at Invest India and leads its Deep-Tech Initiative. He has previously worked at the AGNIi Mission of PMSTIAC, leading Emerging Tech Strategy in National Security and Cyber Space.
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